ML at Sprinklr

Cdc Companion
2 min readMar 22, 2022

Name: Shrihari Danawe

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Company: Sprinklr

Profile: Machine Learning

When did you start your profile-oriented preparation?

15th April 2021

What were your prior experience and level of preparation(in the field) before March?

I mainly prepared my core computer science subjects.

The roadmap that you followed for preparing?

I first focused on the core computer science subjects like DBMS, OPERATING SYSTEM, COMPUTER NETWORKS, etc. I practiced a few cp algorithms and data structures in my third semester but haven’t practiced through cp till March 2021. After covering core subjects till March, I started CP from scratch. Since I haven’t practiced CP for a long time, I started coding basic math-based questions. This helped me revise basic data structures. Then I started covering algorithms and practiced about 20 problems of each algorithm. After covering a considerable number of algorithms, I started practicing random problems. I specifically focused on dynamic programming and graph algorithms. As CDC came closer I revised my core subjects and practiced standard algorithms.

Resources relevant to the profile:

Leetcode problem set

Code club compiled resources

What was the selection process of the company?

There were 4 rounds for me. Round-1 was a coding test followed by 3 rounds of individual interviews. The coding test had 3 coding questions, one very easy (standard question) followed by two medium to hard level questions. Solving the easy one and one of the other 2 questions will clear the cutoff. The 1rst interview was completely based on CP. The interviewer first asks a simple question and then elevates the level of the same questions. 3 coding questions were asked and one needs to answer all the 3 questions correctly. The interviewer asks to write pseudocode and no need to code it. After that, in the 2nd interview, the interviewer discussed developing an application. He asked to write the pseudocode of the few parts of the application. They will help if you get stuck somewhere but you need to suggest some basic idea about the application. Core computer science concepts were needed for explaining the flow of the application. I was asked to develop a chatbot system. The last round was the HR round. As per my experience, selection depends on the 2nd round. Some feedback is given to the interviewer of the last round. The last round was quite a peace since it involved HR questions like why are you a good fit for the company.

