#5 Software Developer @ Rubrik

Cdc Companion
1 min readMar 21, 2022

Name: Animesh Jha

Department: Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Company: Rubrik (India)

Profile: SDE

When did you start your profile oriented preparation?

11th May 2021

What were your prior experience and level of preparation(in the field) before March?

I had prior knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms and participated in codeforces.

The roadmap that you followed for preparing?

In May, I started doing 1800+ rated problems in Codeforces along with the div2D ladder and parts of the div2E ladder.

In june, I utilised InterviewBit and its resources all the while giving contests on Codeforces to keep practising.

Resources relevant to the profile:

Platforms such as Codeforces, InterviewBit, algorithms.wtf cp-algorithms.com and CSES are sufficient.

In my opinion courses and other platforms are not necessary and I did not use them.

What was the selection process of the company?

The initial shortlisting test included a moderately hard coding test.

Following that, I had 2 technical interviews( each of which had a problem for me to solve) and after that a non-technical (mostly HR) round.

